PowerHouse invoke so much fear in the opposisiton these days... that they dont show up! bugger. how rude! and the House had great preperation in the preceeding days, with subsitute coach Nash being heard to say 'and i had such a great backline prepared, they were hot, i taught them everything i knew!'. Yeah, right, thanks Mel, all backs love taking advice from the from the front row...
Oh well, dosnt mean we cant go out and celebrate - here are some pics from the evenings festivities:

Oh well, dosnt mean we cant go out and celebrate - here are some pics from the evenings festivities:

Love this blog, where's room for pics?
Over here, in Holland, we're preparing for the start of our season, went for a run through the dunes tonight. I HATE RUNNING!!!
Can't wait to tackle someone... really hard.
Opposition not showing is rude indeed. Next time they'll suffer...
Miss Melbourne still, but discovered Google Earth, so I can look at Albert Park every day, all day, jay!